Hey There!

We have so many family members and friends who have a lot of questions about our adoption and the timeline, that we thought we would keep everyone up to date with this blog. We're excited to share our journey—the good, the bad, and the frustration (I'm sure it will happen). It is our hope that, through this process, we might even be an encouragement to some who are considering adoption for their family.

We know this is going to be a long process, followed by some good and difficult years as we adjust to being a family with internationally adopted children. We covet your prayers—for us as we are working through the sea of paperwork, and for our child(ren), wherever they may be.

Please feel free to subscribe to the blog by email so you will see updates when we post them. Thank you for the outpouring of love that we have already experienced. We are so thrilled to bring children into this community that we are blessed to be a part of!

Posted on December 7, 2013 .