
I remember where I was when I heard the news exactly one year ago. I was taking a break from crazy cleaning our house when I turned on my phone and opened the CNN app. Above all of the other news stories, there was the headline: Nelson Mandela had passed away. 

We had known for quite some time that we were planning on adopting from South Africa. We had started research into the history and culture. The history in the past 50 years culminated around one man, Nelson Mandela. 

When I sat down to think about the ramifications his death would have on a country we had grown to love, I was struck with the thought that our children, unless they were babies, could possibly remember this day in great detail. Those caring for them could be in mourning. The orphanage could take on an atmosphere of loss. 

We all have moments we remember very clearly. My grandparents remember where they were when they heard Kennedy was shot. I remember with great detail where I was when I heard about the Twin Towers falling (third period German class). I wonder if our kids will remember where they were when they heard the news about Mandela.

I am thankful that God put such a man in South Africa at the right time. Oppression had gone unchecked for far too long. So many people were able to rally around Mandela who spent 27 years of his life in prison. When he was released, he was an integral part in overthrowing the apartheid. He was a man who loved his countrymen and fought for their freedom and liberties. Lord willing, the influence he had on the country he loved will continue on and bless many generations to come.

Posted on December 5, 2014 and filed under anniversary, adoption, South Africa.