South Africa: Day 18, Centurion & Strand

We started today by finishing up our packing. Our flight to Cape Town took off at 1:45 p.m, so we had plenty of time to get ready. The real challenge was going to be fitting our three duffels, two carry on suitcases, three backpacks, and one kid into our car. Thankfully, after much maneuvering on Brian’s part, we were able to get everything to fit.

Our ride to the airport was uneventful, thankfully. We were able to turn in our car with little hassle and got to the airport. We had our bags wrapped with a plastic akin to saran wrap to make sure they wouldn’t be messed with. It was entertaining to watch and helpful. We checked into our flight. Because our luggage is earmarked for international travel and not the domestic flight we took, I was worried we would have to pay a lot to get our luggage on the plane. Thankfully, Mango does weight a little differently. We were allotted 60kg (20kg for each bag), but our bags weighed around 75kg total, with each bag being slightly over. Instead of having to pay a fee for each bag, we paid only for the 15kg we were over. 

At security, they confiscated my needlenose pliers (which I use for cross stitch). I went through the TSA and British security with no incident, and the South African airport even allows liquids! We sat around for a little bit before grabbing a quick lunch at a cafe, getting through security about two hours before our flight boarded. That was a nice time buffer to have. Thankfully, traveling with Tisetso was relatively uneventful. Aside from him not wanting to move quickly when we needed him to (to and from the bathroom just before the flight), we were alright.

Tisetso loved looking out the window when we were getting ready to land.

Tisetso loved looking out the window when we were getting ready to land.

This was Tisetso’s third time being on a plane. Thanks to Mommy Tahiyya, who takes her kids on holiday, he had been to Cape Town before! The other thing that made the trip easy was our big gift to him. He got his very own iPad. He was excited to check out the Harry Potter Lego app, but sadly, I think he’ll need a year or two before being able to do that one. He watched Batman, Ben Ten, and Jake and the Neverland Pirates on the plane.  

Getting some tips from Brian.

Getting some tips from Brian.

It was cool to see the different terrains of South Africa. Our flight only took an hour and 45 minutes, but we still covered a lot of land. Tisetso helped us land safely by pressing the right buttons (his table switch). Phew! The landscape was very different than what we had left behind. Now, instead of large rolling hills, there were huge mountains by the ocean. This is my happy place!

Tisetso takes on Cape Town!

Tisetso takes on Cape Town!

After having to navigate our luggage carts down a tunnel and then back up the other side, I was ready for air conditioning! We picked up our car and were ready to go! The only issue Brian ran into was the turning signal was on the wrong side of the wheel. Every time he went to turn, he accidentally hit the windshield wipers. He'll probably have it figured out just in time to leave.

We made it safely to the flat that we are renting for the first 9 days we are here. It’s in Strand (on Strand Beach), which is just east of Cape Town. The flat is perfect! There’s a room for Tisetso, for us, and even an office for Brian. We have our windows open all of the time. There’s always a breeze and the sound of the waves and the smell of the salt water! I absolutely love this flat.

The gorgeous view from our balcony

The gorgeous view from our balcony

We went to a restaurant on the floor level of the building for dinner. There are a few cafes and shops there as well. We enjoyed a great view of the beach activity and had a breather after a full day. Tomorrow is Sunday and church. It’ll be interesting to see how Tisetso responds this week.

Posted on January 26, 2016 and filed under adoption, In-Country Time, South Africa.