South Africa: Day 19, Strand

The view of the mountains from our balcony (the beach is visible to the other direction)

The view of the mountains from our balcony (the beach is visible to the other direction)

We woke up this morning nervous about Tisetso’s reaction to going to church. We were able to secure his approval and a little excitement by letting him wear his suit coat, button down shirt, and tie. We also brought bribes in the form of gummy bears and the iPad. 

We visited a local church that was only 15 minutes away. It was different than Redeemer Fellowship in many ways, but similar in others (reformed, confessional, missional), and we were glad to be there. We attended the family service and were thankful when the children’s sermon was on Adam and Eve (the story we had right the night before and several before that). Tisetso was taking it in and enjoyed hearing something he had heard recently. 

After church, we headed to Woolworth’s Food Market to get groceries. If you’re a human, you know that visiting a grocery store in the afternoon on Sunday is a great, quiet time to go. Ha! It was insane. It was hard to find what we needed because half of what we needed didn’t exist here and the other half was mixed in with things we didn’t know existed. Thankfully, the veggies and fruit were super easy to find! It took us about 45 minutes to find enough stuff to last us a couple of days (so we thought).

After church, we made lunch back at the flat and lounged around for a bit. At some point, we walked down the road to an ice cream shop across from the beach. It was a good little walk and a nice day for it.

We ended the day by watching Harry Potter (of course).

I found this hottie at the beach.

I found this hottie at the beach.

Our view in the evening

Our view in the evening

Posted on January 26, 2016 and filed under adoption, In-Country Time, South Africa.