Four Years


Friends, it has been four years since we started the process to adopt our second child. To be honest, some days are great and other days are hard. We feel deeply what we are missing - time with our child. Each day that passes is another day that we have to wait to meet and hug them.

Thankfully, God is so good and He continually reminds us that He loves us and is walking with us through this time. He has given encouragement through friends and family, and even through books that I (Heidi) am reading. I came across this passage (see above) today and was moved to tears.

I am reading Elisabeth Elliot’s The Path of Loneliness and have found such encouragement as we wait for a court date to go meet our child. Elliot speaks often of offering up loneliness as a sacrifice to the Lord in the book, but in this passage, she suggest offering waiting. This hit home for me as waiting is something I have in spades. It was a unique way to see waiting—as something that you can give to God and know with confidence whatever He gives back is better than what you would have chosen.

I want to wait this way. I want to give my waiting to the Lord and have Him give me His best back, because that is what He graciously does. He loves us so much that He is able to do more abundantly than what we could ask for or think of (Eph. 3:20).

Would you pray with us? We long to meet Malcolm #4. We want to hug them and play with them and love on them in person. We know that Tisetso is anxious to meet them, too. We are all just waiting for the call. Pray with us that the call would come soon and that we would wait well until then.

Posted on October 6, 2021 .