It's been a while since Brian and I were able to get away from our every day usual. We had been down in Naples, Florida for the past week and, I'm sure this won't surprise you, I didn't want to leave. While we were gone, we received this photo of our house from Joey (a guy in our community group):
No, thank you! Especially because this (below) is what we were experiencing the same time all of our friends were experiencing the 5th worst blizzard recorded in Chicago's history:
This is a rental and I am not responsible for the dust!
That's right! 81 degrees while driving around in a convertible. If it weren't for all of the horrible things about Flordia (hurricanes, sink holes, alligators, horrible humidity to name a few), I'd be on the band wagon to move down here.
It was a great time! I finished a book, started a new cross stitch pattern (and made some good progress), and got a tan that will quickly fade back to my Scandinavian pale-as-a-sheet white.
I love marine life and got to save 14 sea stars while walking the beaches. It was like a free trip to the aquarium (without having to wait in line to pet the star fish).
And we got to enjoy some insanely beautiful sunsets. This one (below) was one night during our (almost) daily bike rides.
I'm so thankful we've had the time to get away. I told Brian one of the nights we were there that it was the longest I had gone without worrying about our adoption since we started the process. It was a very welcome break.