Posts tagged #prayer

Details, Details, Details

We've been asked a lot of questions lately, and there's a lot of overlap in curiosity. Here are the basics of what we have so far, and how you can be praying for us specifically:


We are open to a sibling group up to age eight, with medical and/or physical special needs.


We are really hoping, and would love your prayers to this end, to bring these kids home by the end of 2014, which may mean Christmas in Africa! 


We are really interested in adopting from South Africa. Brian is able to work remotely, which would be helpful in the 5-7 week stay to pick up the kiddos. We love the idea that we would have the opportunity to experience the culture our children would be coming from, maybe even pick up some of the language.


We want to adopt first because we feel strongly called to it. Adoption is not for everyone, but we believe it is for us. We were listening to the book Adopted for Life, by Dr. Russell Moore, and both felt strongly this was how God wanted to grow our family.


  • Pray that we would have favor from the governments and this process would go quickly, allowing our kids to be home by the end of 2014.
  • Please pray for us as we begin the steps of this process. Monday, December 16, is our first class (Adoption 101).
Posted on December 14, 2013 .