Posts filed under at home

Bourbon-Poached Peaches

Lined up and ready to boil.

For the last three years, I've made bourbon-poached peaches (recipe here). This year, I got to continue the tradition working with my sister and having constant interruptions from my son and Erin's kids. I loved it! It was, hands down, the best time I've had making this recipe!

My beautiful sister.

My favorite part of making these is how sweet your kitchen and hands smell when you're all done. The smell from scraping the vanilla pods to collect the seeds is intoxicating! (Vanilla is one of my favorite things/smells) I don't have many baking traditions, but I think I can include bourbon-poached peaches now that I've hit the three year mark.


Definitely give the recipe a try! It makes more than you can eat in a month, so they're great to give away, too. Invite a friend and make a double batch. Peeling all of those peaches allows for some quality time!

The finished product.

Posted on July 5, 2016 and filed under at home, baking and cooking.

Tisetso's Firsts

We’ve been home for almost four months (a little over six since we became a family). With our arrival to America, we’ve had many opportunities to experience Tisetso’s firsts in many things. I think his favorite so far has been snow.

Before (Making Hulk Smash gestures)

Before (Making Hulk Smash gestures)

We got a light dusting the weekend, but I wasn’t willing to count it as his first snow. A few days after that, we had the big, sticky, fluffy flakes that he could actually play in. To be honest, this was one of my favorite firsts, too (despite my aversion to snow and cold). Seeing his joy while running around in the icy flakes, I just couldn’t contain my own joy. We had fun throwing snowballs at Brian’s car (he had the audacity to leave the party for, you know, adult things like work). Then we turned on each other. 



The fun was short lived a Tisetso became super cold not too many minutes after Brian left. I demonstrated my true mothering skills by taking a picture to document the end of the occasion then ushered him quickly inside. I'm pretty sure I qualify for Mother of the Year now.



It’s been fun experiencing firsts with our little guy. We haven’t had the traditional ones, so the untraditional (first Dunkin Donuts experience, for example) seem bigger than they may actually be. Regardless, I am thankful for the firsts we get and excited for many, many more!

Posted on June 21, 2016 and filed under little things, at home, winter.